Member Files

This page contains documents. Click on “View Google Doc” to view/download each document.

2024 Annual Meeting Attendee List

Posted by Lewis Davis on September 23rd, 2024 | Categories:?Minutes

This is the meeting attendee listing of everyone that was at this years meeting.

2024 fcB2B Annual Meeting slides

Posted by Lewis Davis on September 19th, 2024 | Categories:?Minutes

The slides for both days from the annual meeting.

2024-02 fcB2B Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on April 8th, 2024 | Categories:?Newsletter

This is the latest newsletter for Q1. Summary of updates are below.

  • WFCA SEAL leadership training
  • fcB2B Annual Meeting scheduled
  • New web service released

fcB2B 2024-Q1 Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on December 22nd, 2023 | Categories:?Newsletter

Attached is the latest newsletter for fcB2B. Let me know any suggestions you have at

2023-10 Web Service Committee Meeting Minutes

Posted by Lewis Davis on October 10th, 2023 | Categories:?Minutes

This is the meeting notes from the October 2023 Web Services committee.

fcB2B 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Posted by Lewis Davis on October 2nd, 2023 | Categories:?Minutes

Meeting minutes from the 2023 annual meeting.

2023 annual meeting slides (day 1 & 2)

Posted by Lewis Davis on October 2nd, 2023 | Categories:?Minutes

The meeting slides from the fcB2B Annual Meeting.

fcB2B 2023-Q4 Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on September 29th, 2023 | Categories:?Newsletter

Here is the fcB2B newsletter published in October of 2023. It contains the latest news and any updates. All feedback is appreciated.

fcB2B 2023-Q3 Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on July 6th, 2023 | Categories:?Newsletter

The 2023 Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 18 – 20 in Nashville. We will be at the same location as last year, Embassy Suites Nashville Airport. Be sure to register prior to August 19 to avoid a late registration fee. We also have some new web services being discussed and being defined. If you are interested in staying informed about what’s new with the web service committee let me know and we will add you to the committee.

Web Services June 2023 Committee Notes

Posted by Lewis Davis on June 14th, 2023 | Categories:?Minutes

Committee Minutes from the June 13 Web Services committee meeting.

2023-02 fcB2B Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on March 24th, 2023 | Categories:?Newsletter

This is the second edition of the fcB2B newsletter. I have included information about the CARE changes currently scheduled for April 1 and be aware that New York has signed a Carpet Stewardship Law to take effect in 2026.  Also the planning for the fcB2B annual meeting is going on and expect to have the hotel details nailed down shortly. Make sure to check the website events page to stay current on everything that’s happening.

fcB2B Quick Start - Send fcB2B

Posted by Lewis Davis on January 13th, 2023 | Categories:?Quick Start

Are you a supplier new to fcB2B and trying to understand how to get started? This document is for you. It provides step by step suggestions for how to get started.

fcB2B Quick Start - Receive fcB2B

Posted by Lewis Davis on January 13th, 2023 | Categories:?Quick Start

If you are looking to integrate fcB2B into your system and receive files from your supplier, be sure to review this document. It has steps that will help you to get started.

fcB2B Quick Start guide - Outsourcing EDI

Posted by Lewis Davis on January 10th, 2023 | Categories:?Quick Start

Are you new to fcB2B or have you been struggling to implement fcB2B documents? Want to hire a company to just make it happen? 

Here is a guide that will help guide you through this process. It includes some terms that may be unfamiliar but could be discussed during meetings with an EDI service provider. If you still have questions reach out to Lewis Davis for assistance.

fcB2B Brochure

Posted by Lewis Davis on January 10th, 2023 | Categories:?Brochure

Are you interested in learning more about fcB2B? This brochure can be downloaded and shared amongst your colleagues. This is a four page summary of what fcB2B is and benefits for your company.

Are you a retailer trying to get your suppliers interested in fcB2B? Provide this document to them or provide the link so they can get a better understanding of what fcB2B is and what is offered.

2023-01 fcB2B Newsletter

Posted by Lewis Davis on January 4th, 2023 | Categories:?Newsletter

Our first edition of the fcB2B Newsletter which has been created to be more transparent of things going on with fcB2B. We have found that many members aren’t aware of the active committee’s or changes that have been made. We want to keep you informed of changes and new services being rolled out.  With this newsletter we hope to keep you up to date and informed. Currently the plan it to make this a quarterly newsletter so be on the lookout for this quarterly in both email and available on the website.

fcB2B Shipping Label to fcB2B ASN

Posted by Lewis Davis on April 25th, 2022 | Categories:?Brochure

This document accompanies the fcB2B Standard Shipping Label but provides the elements from the ASN that relate to each section of the label.  The expectation is that suppliers already generating the ASN and wanting to provide this standard label will have the information to generate the label from the information being provided on the ASN.

fcB2B Form Letter to Suppliers

Posted by Lewis Davis on April 20th, 2022 | Categories:?Form Letters

This letter is available for retailers to use to request their suppliers get involved with fcB2B. The letter is written from the perspective of the retailer asking a supplier to join them in using fcB2B. Use this as a tool to encourage your suppliers to provide electronic files and make you more efficient and profitable.

fcB2B Standard Shipping Label

Posted by Lewis Davis on April 20th, 2022 | Categories:?Standards

Provide a definition of a standard shipping label for the flooring industry. The standard label allows users to identify product being received by scanning the label and comparing to the Advance Shipping Notice (ASN). This will benefit the retailer by helping automate the receiving process leading to more accurate receiving. Multiple labels have been defined to address both roll goods and pallets. The label uses the GS1 128 format which is widely used within the supply chain by large retailers looking to have a consistent format for receiving and put away. This label is provided to the flooring industry for anyone looking for a standard shipping label.

Why fcB2B Certification?

Posted by Lewis Davis on April 19th, 2022 | Categories:?Standards

Why should the fcB2B provide certification? Without some type of validation process the B2B documents that are being passed between suppliers, distributors and retailers will continue to be inconsistent. Certification has been attempted multiple times in the fcB2B groups existence. In the past there wasn’t an independent entity to perform the certification. There also wasn’t a defined process for how certification happened.

fcB2B Standard Document Flow

Posted by Lewis Davis on February 25th, 2022 | Categories:?Standards

This document provides a diagram for each document showing the sender and receiver.  There is also additional information about the document with high level information about what’s contained.